
MultiPhos Fertilizers

Welcome to REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE! We are involved in research, innovation, calibration, development, manufacturing, marketing of phosphorous related specialty chemical fertilizers.

Basic info about componay

IPR Based Strategic Sales Generation.

We work on unique strategic product positioning model based on RAWIMORE(Ray Winson Monopolistic Opensource Research Ecosystem) which allows us to generate tremendous amount of sales without the expenses of advertisement and promotion.


Unique and monopoly based formula having great utility over existing products.

Sales Generation

Simply replacing existing low quality low margin product with highest quality and high margin product.

IPR/ Branding

To get first mover advantage and reaping the benefits for lifetime.

45+ Year Of Experience

Our Services

  • Development

    Development of new phosphorous molecules viz. Long chain poly phosphate, Nano phosphate, Pyro phosphate, Meta phosphate.. Etc.

  • Registration

    Registration of new formulas to get exclusive manufacturing and marketing rights.

  • Branding

    Branding of new products to achieve sustainable sales goal.

  • Generating

    Generating huge profits to benefit every individual in the ecosystem.

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